hardwood floors in Chicago

flooring company Chicago

FAQ About Hardwood Floor Refinishing & Sealing

hardwood floor refinishingHaving beautiful wood floors means you’ll want to take care of them throughout the years. Refinishing and sealing are two types of maintenance that will need to be done during the lifetime of the hardwood floors.

Keep in mind that refinishing and sealing are two different things. With refinishing, the sealant coating the wood is removed and the floor is sanded, stained, and resealed. Sealing is just reapplying the protective seal coating to the wood floors. Many times, the stain color is still in good condition, so sealing the surface will be all that’s necessary.

Here are some FAQ from our pros at Chicago Hardwood Floors about refinishing and sealing.

How often do my hardwood floors need refinishing?

This will depend on how much abuse they have gone through. A simple plumbing leak can completely ruin a hardwood floor. Pet urine is also another common problem.

In general, a hardwood floor will need to be refinished every 10 to 20 years, but it also depends on you. Some people love the old-world character of a wood floor with a few dings and dents.

How often do hardwood floors need to be resealed?

As the sealant wears down, the hardwood floor will be vulnerable to moisture, stains, and scratches. Thankfully, keeping a good seal on your floors is much less expensive than refinishing. Reseal your hardwood floors about every five years with a good-quality product and you won’t have to refinish the surface as often.

I have engineered wood floors, can they be refinished and resealed?

Some engineered wood floors can be refinished and resealed, some can only be resealed. This differs because of the thickness of the top wood layer. Of these, the floor can be refinished between 1-5 times depending on the thickness.

How many times can my hardwood floors be refinished?

A good quality hardwood floor can last more than 50 years if it’s properly maintained and treated well by the owner. During that lifetime, you may be able to refinish the floor around 6 times.

Unless you purchased the new floor, take into account that the wood may have been refinished several times already by a previous owner. If you aren’t sure, it’s worth getting professional advice from a hardwood floor refinishing specialist.

If you have questions or would like to know more information about Hardwood Floor Refinishing & Sealing, please call (773) 245-3334 or complete our online request form.

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